
Criminals: Putting the "Gun" in "Gun-Free Zones"

As tragic as this latest outrage is, there definitely appears to be a pattern emerging-- namely, that somehow all of these mass, public killings are happening in "Gun-Free Zones." I guess if someone has already committed himself to breaking our laws against murder, he's probably not going to be deterred by these feel-good little signs.

The invaluable John Lott has some excellent thoughts here and here, and Glenn Reynolds there.

And perhaps this would be a good time to link to the recent discussion of the SCOTUS taking on the DC gun ban case. I know this particular news is bit stale and that talking about things that are older than 6 minutes is sooo "print," but this stuff deserves some airtime:

"Guns and the Constitution," -- WSJ; "Second Amendment Showdown," -- WSJ; USA Today poll.

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