
Above All Earthly Pow'rs

Please do yourself a favor and read this interview with David Wells (the DW that thinks and writes, not pitch). His words are especially and ironically "relevant" in light of the recent WSJ front-page story about the stir and splits that conversions to the "Purpose-Driven" church model are causing. It seems to me that when a church locally or the Church broadly decides that it's a good and proper thing to engineer its liturgy with the pleasure and comfort of the "seeker" as it's primary objective, that nothing but danger can possibly lie ahead. There are most certainly rocks under that Slip N' Slide.

And since I know that for you, kind reader, buying books is a matter of which and not whether (y'know, that line-item in your budget that's right below "Tithe" and above "Rent"), you should do yourself the further service of buying Wells's recent book, "Above All Earthly Pow'rs," which is available from your new favorite online bookstore.

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